Sea Legs – Regained!

We spent some time in the desert eating good, earth foods – beets, zucchini, spinach, eggs, garbanzo beans…which we washed down with a bit of tzatziki sauce and a swish of whiskey – and we have our sea legs once more! In the downtime, we burned a slew of copies of our EP, Murmuration. Our individual covers are constructed from old books about cowboys, some about wilderness, others about how to draw the human form. All seemed like appropriate vessels for our music.

Tomorrow morning we head towards San Francisco. Keep an ear out for us on Diamond Dave’s podcast on Friday, live from Radio Mutiny in San Francisco. We’re the 4:20 feature *wink!* and will be playing live at the Mutiny Cafe. If you’re in the bay, come visit us at the cafe on 21st and Florida, in the heart of the Mission district.

eljebel covers